RISE Up (Respect, Inclusion, Safety and Equity in the Construction Trades) is a Respectful Workplace Campaign designed to shift the culture of construction to be more inclusive to a diverse workforce. This campaign is designed to be used by public entities, construction companies, apprenticeship training programs, unions and community-based organizations. To be effective, a Respectful Workplace program must be inclusive, must cover more than just women and race, and the results must be measured. Training alone can harm diversity efforts and create more bias against underrepresented groups. Building Pathways provides RISE Up customized respectful workplace training with a social campaign in an effort to create an inclusive and diverse work site.
RISE UP was created for the industry by industry professionals and, when possible, builds on existing access points for training opportunities. Building Pathways is the authorized RISE Up affiliate to deliver the RISE Up program in Massachusetts. For more information, technical assistance, or access to training materials, contact Building Pathways at RISEUp@buildingpathwaysMA.org.